Thursday 7 February 2013



Writing is my passion and I hope this platform will help me share my ideas... 

Rather than introducing myself formally would like you to embark upon the journey of sharing ideas and surely one's ideas are true depiction of personality than self description!

Time constraint! is what that kills my creativity, I feel life is too short for the millions of things I wish to practice, enjoy, learn, share, talk etc etc.! That gives you one hint about me that I am a curious learner who tries to learn almost everything (the good ones only :)

The idea of being different is actually due to my belief of 'Using you own brain' not just following the MINDSET of the people should be seen through one's own eyes. One should use own heart and soul to figure out behaviors and principles.
I am a Muslim and a modest one. The one who has strong faith in the teachings of the religion and the message of love and peace as practiced and preached by the last prophet. Unfortunately we are going through a time period where on one side innocent Muslims  are being killed everyday in countries like Syria and Myanmar and on the other side some terrorists are killing people in the name of Islam. Islam literally means peace and I'm a peace loving person who think before killing a cockroach!
Since I'm software engineer I'm using internet and computer since year 1998 on wards and have many friends around the globe including people from India, US and UK.

That's all for today!


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